This phase of engagement has ended.


Engagement Activities


Engagement Activities

We're making some of the documentation and materials available for the community following strong levels of interest in a number of our engagement activities.

Co-design is a way to design solutions and improvements together. It provides many ways for people to get involved at various stages, from finding the issue to creating the solution. To design with us you don’t need any previous design background, your greatest value is your experience as a Streatham Wells resident!

Leigham Court Road Q&A

Please see the below presentation that was shared with attendees of the LCR Q&A session, as well as the meeting notes and responses to questions asked.

Walk and Talk Journal

Have fun in your neighborhood while helping us co-design our future together.

Activity 1: page 8 in the journal

Pick one out of the five paths shown on the map and note three things that you like and don't like around you

Activity 2: page 10 in the journal

Pick one out of the five paths shown on the map and note three things that you would like to improve around you

Activity 3:  page 12 in the journal

Pick one out of the five paths shown on the map and note three things that you wished you had around you

Download the pdf of the journal below and have fun Walking and Talking!

Your feedback is really valuable to us, therefore once you have completed the activities and filled in the participant's profile page, scan or take a photo of your comments and email them to Your feedback will be considered as part of the Identify and Co-design stages.

Check out the following documents

Document image preview
Document image preview
Leigham Court Road Q&A Session - Presentation.pdf
Document image preview
OnlineQ&AMeetingNotes .pdf

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
