This phase of engagement has ended.


LTN Design


LTN Design

For clarity:

-The color of the Leithcote footpath has been updated to light green similarly to the other local footpaths on the map. Other colors and notes remain as per the previous map (i.e. map on the postcard).

-Whilst the majority of roads within the purple area would be accessed via Streatham High Road, there are a number of Mews and Closes in the same area that need to be accessed via Leigham Court Road. The filter at Harborough Road exempts local access (i.e. for Harborough Road residents), and therefore needs to be accessed from Valley Road/Leigham Court road.

The “No Motor Vehicles” sign indicates no motorised vehicles can go through a closure point, unless specifically exempted. This includes motorbikes, personal vehicles, vans and bigger vehicles like trucks. Vehicles can be served a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) if they pass through.

Find out more about the project here.

Complete the survey on proposed filters and their locations here.

Let us know your thoughts on our plans for wider street improvements in the area here.

Download the LTN proposal

Document image preview
Streatham Wells_LTN Proposal.pdf

This engagement phase has finished

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