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Project overview


Project Overview

We are proposing both a trial Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) in Streatham Wells, launching in Spring 2023, as well as wider street improvements

The LTN will restrict vehicles cutting through residential streets. This will help to reduce road danger and congestion and tackle the climate crisis by supporting people to walk, wheel, scoot and cycle. We will also increase the number of street trees, cycle parking, and places to rest and play.

We want your feedback on our ideas to make the right improvements, in the right places.

Policy context

Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan and Transport Strategy aim to create a transport network that is inclusive and accessible to all, has a positive impact on quality of life and the environment. By 2030 we envision that the vast majority of trips in the borough will be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport and that Lambeth’s neighbourhoods are connected through low/no traffic routes for walking and cycling. This will give people a real alternative to short car trips, making it easier to choose healthier, low carbon ways to travel.

This will also fulfil the Mayor of London’s ‘Vision Zero’ by reducing road danger and preventing people being killed or seriously injured on our streets.

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

LTNs use ‘traffic filters’ to change how vehicles move around an area. The filters may change vehicle movement to one way or allow vehicles to drive up to but not through the filter from either side. A traffic filter is marked by planters, bollards and signs such as the below:

We have the benefit of learning from the previous stages of delivering LTNs in Lambeth, which has directed our approach to this project. We are proposing to do more monitoring, and will be including more supporting measures from the start, such as cycle parking, pavement buildouts, more planting and trees. We will also include a blue badge holder dispensation to ensure essential journeys are not impacted.

We understand this is a big change - we will ensure improvements are felt throughout the whole area, including boundary roads such as Leigham Court Road and the A23. 

Data and monitoring

To evaluate the impact of the schemes, Lambeth will be monitoring changes in traffic, air quality, road safety and community feedback. Specific attention will also be paid on the impact of bus journey times and emergency services response times. Read our monitoring docs here.

As part of the exploratory works, indicative traffic modelling has been done to get a sense of the traffic impacts of the scheme. Council officers are also liaising ongoingly with TfL and the Emergency Services on the scheme. 

The Streatham Wells LTN Design

Over the last year, we have worked closely with local people to inform our designs. You can read what’s happened so far below. 

The commonplace allows residents to give their feedback on the placement of the trial modal filters and the wider improvements.

Check out the LTN proposal

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StreathamWells_LTN Proposal.pdf

Check out the engagement report

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Check out the monitoring documents

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This engagement phase has finished

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