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Ward information


Ward information

Details and demographics of Streatham Wells.

The Streatham Wells focus area largely falls within the Streatham Wells administrative ward, with a small part in the west situated within the St. Leonard’s Ward. Streatham Wells ward is located in the south of Lambeth Borough and has a population of approximately 17,000, up almost 15% from 2011. Approximately 40% of its residents have access to a car, in line with the borough average.

Cars per household – 0.6 (borough average is 0.5, London average is 0.8)

Average Public Transport accessibility score– 4.4 (out of 6, borough average is 5.0, London average is 3.8)

Percentage of commutes made by bicycle – 5.5% (borough average is 8.1%, London average is 4.0%)

There are several schools in the local area, including Sunnyhill, St Andrew’s and St Julian’s Primary Schools, as well as the Dunraven and Bishop Thomas Grant secondary schools.

In terms of healthcare facilities, the Valley Road surgery is located in the centre of the area, the Streatham High GP practice is located on Gracefield Gardens and the Streatham Hill Group Practice is located on Leigham Court Road.

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