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A23 Streatham High Road junction with Gracefield Gardens - pedestrian safety improvements

TfL have decided to proceed with their proposal to improve road safety at the junction of the A23 Streatham High Road and Gracefield Gardens, following a consultation and its subsequent decision process. You can find out more about the proposal here:, and a summary of the plans are as below:

  • Close Gracefield Gardens to motor traffic at its junction with the High Road, while allowing access for cyclists
  • Remove the loading/disabled bay on the red route section of Gracefield Gardens close to the junction in order to allow smaller vehicles to turn around
  • Remove some trees from the central reservation on Streatham High Road - these would be replaced with additional tree planting nearby and improvements to the urban realm at the junction of Gracefield Gardens and the A23
  • Adjust the location of bus stop OA on Streatham High Road, moving it five metres to the south
  • You can read the consultation report here.

    Posted on 28th October 2022

    by DG