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Dear residents,
We are writing this update to inform you of a change to the Streatham Wells LTN trial design.
What is changing?
Conifer Gardens will be made one-way southbound(this means from Leigham Avenue towards Gracefield Gardens only).
Why is it changing?
The Road Safety Audit highlighted a potential dangerous conflict between road users of the old design.
What does this mean for me?
Changing Conifer Gardensfrom travelling in both directions to one-way, will mean that motor vehicles will no longer be able to enter from Gracefield Gardens. Motor vehicles can only access via Leigham Avenuefrom 23 October 2023.
In the Works Notification Letter on 27 September, we told you about the preparation works for the trial. We would like to assure residents that no additional disruption will be caused from this change. These works will be carried out as planned from 9 to 20 October 2023.
We apologise for the short notice. We assure you that this change was made with safety as our paramount concern.
Posted on 9th October 2023
by Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Team