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Within the 'Notice of Temporary Road Works, Streatham Wells LTN - Lines and Signs' letter, it was incorrectly stated that Valleyfield Road would be included within these preparation works. Within this letter, it noted works would be undertaken at:
We would like to reiterate that the filter near the junction of Valleyfield Road and Strathdale Road will NOT form part of the upcoming trial of Streatham Wells LTN, and therefore these works will not be undertaken by our contractor, Ringways.
Valleyfield Road was originally suggested as a filter location in the Streatham Wells LTN. However, during the consultation phase of the LTN, we listened to feedback from residents and local businesses, and decided that this filter should be removed from the trial. Instead, we will continue to monitor traffic through the area during the trial and assess if anything further is required.
This is still the case.
We apologise for the confusion and would like to assure residents that the Valleyfield Road filter will not be implemented during the upcoming trial of Streatham Wells LTN.
Posted on 28th September 2023
by Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Team